The Government of the Republic of Uganda through the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) underscored the need to professionalise and standardise the teaching profession by establishing a specialised teacher training institution to be referred to as the Uganda National Institute for Teacher Education (UNITE). The idea to establish the proposed UNITE followed the recommendations of the research study known as Teacher Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (TISSA) (2013). This study was initiated and funded by UNESCO, and published the report in 2014. It identified multiple challenges affecting the quality of education in Uganda, in respect of teaching and learning. These included; “under–professionalization of the teaching profession, inadequate quality assurance and standards; shortage of science teachers and low academic entry requirements for entrants to the teaching profession” among others (NTP, 2019: v). Consequently, the TISSA study report recommended the development of the National Teacher Policy (NTP) to address the above issues. The National Teacher Policy (NTP) was developed by the MoES and approved by Cabinet on 1st April 2019. As already mentioned above, the Policy recommended the establishment of NTC and UNITE to address issues affecting the teaching profession in Uganda and quality of education.
As a follow up on the recommendations of NTP, the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports Maama Janet K. Museveni appointed a six (6) member Taskforce to support the establishment of UNITE. The Taskforce was initially chaired by Assoc. Prof. Joseph Oonyu, from School of Education Makere University, and Assoc. Prof. Joyce Ayikoru Asiimwe, Dean School of Education Kyambogo University, as Vice Chairperson. Other four members include Assoc. Prof. Proscovia Namubiru Ssentamu from Uganda Management Institute, Dr. Robert Ayine from National Council for higher eucation, Mr. George Ssizomu, the retired Senior Don from Kyambogo University and Mr. Brighton Barugahare, Assist. Commissioner, Education Policy Analyst, Ministry of Education and Sports.

UNITE Taskforce members with Hon. J. C. Muyingo & PS-MoES

UNITE Taskforce members with the Coordinator
The Permanent Secretary MoES, Mr. Alex Kakooza, also appointed UNITE Secretariat, to support the Taskforce members to deliver on their mandate efficiently and effectively.
The Secretariat appointed by the Permanent Secretary to support the Taskforce was composed of a team of eight (8) members. This team included Ms Caroline Nakidde Kavuma, Coordinator; Rev. Fr. Adrian K. Katarikawe, Public Relations Officer; Mr. Amos Oumo, Estates Manager; Ms. Mary Nicole Kisawuzi, Administrative Secretary; Ms. Phoebe Nalwasa, Personal Secretary; Ms. Christine Betty Aguti, Front Desk Officer; Mr. Ezra Kaggwa Twawona, Office Manager and Mark Mpera, the Transporter Officer.

UNITE Taskforce Secretariat on Inauguration Day

UNITE Taskforce & Secretariat with MoES Officials
On the 28th of August 2020, the Taskforce was officially inaugurated during the ceremony of passing out Grade III Teachers’ Certificate results; a function which was presided over by the Minister of State for Higher Education, Hon Dr. J.C. Muyingo. Thereafter the Taskforce commenced its work. However, in a spell of just two (2) months from its inauguration, the Taskforce lost its Chairperson Prof. Oonyu in a sudden death. Following his demise, Assoc. Prof. Joyce Ayikoru carried on the mantle and offered leadership until 9th March 2021 when Assoc. Prof. Betty Akullu Ezati was appointed as a substantive Chairperson of the Taskforce.
Pillars: UNITE pillars are:
- Teaching and Learning – Pre-service and In-service teacher education and training leading to a minimum award of a Bachelor of education (B.Ed.) to teachers of all levels of Uganda’s education system. The teaching and learning also include postgraduate programmes which at Masters will be customized to specialization pathways enunciated in the NTP; that is, teaching pathway, leadership pathway and specialization pathway,
- Education Research, Innovation and Community engagements;
- Continuous Professional Development;
- Education Institutional Leadership and Management.
Motto: UNITE motto is Be the Teacher. This is a well thought powerful and motivating motto to enhance the professionalism of the teacher, envisaged by the NTP. It challenges