What is (UNITE)?
One of the basic requirements for achieving quality of education for human capital development is the availability of teachers who are competent and effective in the education system. In the light of this viewpoint the National Teacher Policy recommended the establishment of two key entities the National Teacher Council (NTC) and the Uganda National Institute for Teacher Education (UNITE). The two entities are now in the process of being established to improve the teacher quality through professional teacher education and training. The NTC and UNITE are to collaboratively address issues affecting the teaching profession and quality of education in Uganda. The NTC is being established as the regulator of the teaching profession while UNITE is being created to coordinate teacher education and training of teachers – pre-service and in-service. UNITE shall be a Degree Awarding specialized institution, for teacher education and training. And as a technical arm of the NTC, it shall conduct CPDs to keep teachers relevant to the education sector and labour market.