The Main Campus at Kitikifumba
The Main Campus will be located in the area traditionally known as Kitikifumba, in Kira Municipality Wakiso District about 16km from Kampala City North-East. It will occupy the premises of the current Shimoni Core Primary Teachers’ College. Its infrastructure is in the process of being upgraded to the required standard for Other Degree Awarding Institution. One of the Education Development partners in Uganda, ENABEL, has already supported the UNITE Taskforce to remodel one classroom block into offices. The block has been partitioned and converted into conducive offices for use by the Taskforce and later, by the UNITE interim Management at the Main Campus. The photos below show the exterior-rear and interior views of the UNITE remodeled offices.

Renovated Classroom Block for Taskforce Offices at Shimoni Core PTC

The Ministry of Education and Sports has also embarked on the renovation of the Administration Block, Library Block, Laboratory Block and two other blocks that will house the Offices of the Registry.

UNITE Main Campus Library (L) and Administration (R) Blocks for renovation

Two Blocks to be converted into Offices for the Academic Registrar