UNITE Campuses’ Infrastructure
The Taskforce carried out infrastructure assessment of the proposed six (6) UNITE Campuses; namely, Kabale, Kaliro, Mubende, Muni, Unyama and the Main campus at Kitikifumba. The location of these campuses will later be described. During the assessment, the Taskforce identified the strengths and gaps of each of the proposed UNITE campuses. Strategies were proposed to address the gaps progressively. Some of the proposals included the refurbishment of the infrastructure at the proposed venue for the Main campus.
1. The Main Campus at Kitikifumba
The Main Campus will be located in the area traditionally known as Kitikifumba, in Kira Municipality Wakiso District about 16km from Kampala City North-East. It will occupy the premises of the current Shimoni Core Primary Teachers’ College. Its infrastructure is in the process of being upgraded to the required standard for Other Degree Awarding Institution. One of the Education Development partners in Uganda, ENABEL, has already supported the UNITE Taskforce to remodel one classroom block into offices. The block has been partitioned and converted into conducive offices for use by the Taskforce and later, by the UNITE interim Management at the Main Campus. The photos below show the exterior-rear and interior views of the UNITE remodeled offices.

Renovated Classroom Block for Taskforce Offices at Shimoni Core PTC

The Ministry of Education and Sports has also embarked on the renovation of the Administration Block, Library Block, Laboratory Block and two other blocks that will house the Offices of the Registry.

UNITE Main Campus Library (L) and Administration (R) Blocks for renovation

Two Blocks to be converted into Offices for the Academic Registrar
2. Kabale Campus
This campus will occupy the current National Teachers’ College Kabale, located in Kabale Municipality about 410km from Kampala City, South Western Uganda. Most of its infrastructure has been renovated and extended by ENABEL (formerly known as BTC) under the Teacher Training Education Project – 2. The physical infrastructure and facilities are good, impressive and conducive for higher studies for teacher education and training. Below are some of the few selected structures for UNITE Kabale Campus.

Administration Offices Block

Students Resource Centre

Multipurpose Hall
3. Kaliro Campus
This campus will be accommodated in the current National Teachers’ College Kaliro. This campus is to be accessed in Kaliro Town Council of Kaliro District about 152km from Kampala City Eastern Uganda (Busoga Region). The infrastructure was also renovated and extended under the Teacher Training Education Projects 1 and – 2 by BTC and ENABEL respectively. The physical infrastructure and facilities are also good, impressive and conducive for higher studies for teacher education and training. Below are some of the few selected structures for UNITE Kaliro Campus.

Part of Lecture rooms

One of the Students’ Halls of Residence

One of the Staff Residences
4. Mubende Campus
This is to occupy premises of the current National Teachers’ College Mubende in Mubende District about 142km from Kampala City on Kampala-Fort Portal Road, at the edge of Central Uganda. Its infrastructure has recently been renovated and extended under the Teacher Training Education Project 2 by ENABEL. Undoubtedly, it is also impressive and conducive for higher teacher education and training programmes. Below are some of the few selected structures for UNITE Mubende Campus

Resource Centre

Multipurpose Hall

Water Irrigation Infrastructure

Pedagogy Block

One of the Students’ Residences

Dispensary Block
6. Unyama Campus
This campus will occupy the current National Teachers’ College Unyama. This campus is in Gulu District and is accessed through Gulu City Northern Uganda on about 6km on Kitgum Road. The infrastructure was reconstructed and extended under the Teacher Training Education Projects 1 by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). The physical infrastructure and facilities are highly impressive and conducive for teacher education and training for the degree awards. Below are some of the few selected structures for UNITE Unyama Campus.

From Right to Left: Main Hall Admin. Offices Library

Lecture and Laboratory Blocks